Competition 2 Fatal Families

Problems and conflicts occur in the best of families. It’s not always well and good and everything. Tragedies happen, rebellions arise and separations are usually complicated. And yet, in difficult situations, we depend on our families.
Volksbad Jena

Salomeas Nase

film still Salomeas Nase
Fiction Germany, USA
direction: Susan Korda

Two broken noses and a lost eye – Salomea remembers the day when obscure circumstances disfigure her and her brothers forever and henceforth shape the family life.


film still Oripeaux
Animation France
direction: Sonia Gerbeaud & Mathias de Panafieu

A little girl is fighting for an unlikely friendship and revolts against her father and the whole village.


film still Unmappable
Documentary USA
direction: Diane Hodson & Jasmine Luoma

Cartographer Denis Wood talks about his life – fascinating and disturbing things. We learn from his and the stories of his neighbours that some emotional worlds cannot be recorded on any map.

No Kissing

film still No Kissing
Fiction United Kingdom
direction: Manuel Arija de la Cuerda

Michael is in jail and is waiting for Monica – they both don’t know each other. She came for one thing only, but Michael needs something else.

In der Stille der Nacht

film still In der Stille der Nacht
Fiction Austria
direction: Erich Steiner

A seemingly pleasant night with an ordinary family. They are having dinner, they are dancing and laughing. However, the harmony is deceptive.

To Cut a Long Story Short

film still To Cut a Long Story Short
Experimental Portugal
direction: Marco Espirito Santo

Jack was globetrotter. Nothing could stop him. And then he met the Leone-sisters.

An der Tür

film still An der Tür
Fiction Germany
direction: Miriam Bliese

Separations are never easy – everyone knows that. But when there is a child involved you have to communicate and that brings unsuspected creativity in communication to light.