Competition 3 Mischief Makers

„Grave nonsense, once an applicable offense and is now recognized by §118 as an administrative violation” Federal Agency for Civic Education. The disturbance of order – that is the main focus of these films. Whether people happen to be caught in absurd situations or cause them themselves: They ignore the established order. And thus enter into another world.
Volksbad Jena


film still Déjà-Moo
Animation Germany
direction: Stefan Müller

Paul is on holiday in the Allgäu region. But the idyll is disrupted and soon everything drifts into madness. A love story is also unfolding. However, the way to love is through a cow’s stomach.


film still Crocodile
Fiction United Kingdom
direction: Gaelle Denis

Nightmare of all parents: The daughter gets eaten by a crocodile during her stay abroad. For Simon, this is bitter reality. Turns out, mourning is difficult with so many expressions of sympathy.

Soroa – The Field

film still Soroa – The Field
Experimental Spain
direction: Asier Altuna

If it is raining in the desert – it’s pouring. A procession is changing the landscape and the reality. Are maybe even bigger powers involved?


film still Gummi
Fiction Germany
direction: Andre Albrecht

A young couple has sex. They forget the world around them. But their love is ill-fated. A misfortune threatens their happiness.


film still BeingWhale
Documentary Austria, Italy
direction: Christoph Schwarz

The artist Renfah wants to explode a whale at the Biennale in Venice. Criticism of Art! Unfortunately, nobody can be bothered. A documentary that is not splitting hairs concerning reality.


film still Sequence
Fiction USA
direction: Carles Torrenst

One morning Billy woke up after all of mankind had the same dream about him. And said dream was nasty. Between scared looks and threats he is wondering: What in the world did I do?