Award Winning Films

From the five programs of the international competition, our three juries (expert jury, youth jury and audience) will award the best. The award-winning films will be shown again in this program.
(Schillerhof – blue room)

Best Film


film still Best Film
Fiction Russia
direction: Zhenia Kazankina

Lichtstadt Award

Night upon Kepler 452b

film still Lichtstadt Award
Documentary Germany
direction: Ben Voit

Best Visual Design

Winter in the Rainforest

film still Best Visual Design
Animation Estonia
direction: Anu-Laura Tuttelberg

Audience Award

The Saverini Widow

film still Audience Award
Fiction France
direction: Loïc Gaillard

Youth Jury Award

Just a Guy

film still Youth Jury Award
Documentary Germany
direction: Shoko Hara