German Is Spoken Here

You have to talk about it! About delicious cupcakes and less appetizing chlamydia. Or about the mysteries of the water supply system and what the neighbor's cat actually has to do with it. Yes, you can talk about it in a sophisticated restaurant or on a remote farm: but in any case, in this short film program, it will be in German.
(TRAFO, Nollendorfer Str. 30)



film still Leib
Fiction Germany
direction: Marijana Verhoef

A lonely farmer wishes for a golem to help her work on the farm: he's huge, eager to work, mute - and unfortunately not suitable for family gatherings.


Pinky Promise

film still Dasmensch
Fiction Germany
direction: Sophie Linnenbaum

Mom, dad and daughter dine in a fancy restaurant: the ideal breeding ground for terrible misunderstandings - and for ill-considered promises that will cost everyone involved a lot.


film still Cortázar
Experimental Greece
direction: Argyris Germanidis, Katerina Strauch

Paralyzing lethargy in a large apartment complex. Days pass uniformly while people remain in their apartments. A criminal case brings unrest into the monotony.


film still Catsitter
Fiction Germany
direction: Lukas Becker

A cat sitter feeds an elderly lady's cat every day in her absence. She always finds the bowl with the food empty, but no trace of a cat...