21st cellu l'art short film festival will take place November 6th to 8th at the Kassablanca

Unfortunately we had to cancel the 21st cellu l’art Short Film Festival Jena for the originally planned date in April due to the Corona pandemic. Now after many months of efforts to set up an alternative we have good news: the festival will take place from November 6th to 8th in the new venue Kassablanca. We had to shorten the program due to the current situation, and unfortunately, the number of spectators we can let in at the venue will be strongly limited. Still you can look forward to five international competition film blocks, three programs from our Country in Focus Japan as well as two special programs. You will find further information on our website under the menu Festival 2020.

Call for Entries 2021

The 21st celu l'art short film Festival 2020 is still to be held (we hope very much that this will be possible in November - stay tuned for news).

The celu l'art team begins with the preparation of the 22nd Festival, which is planned to take place from April 27 to May 2 2021 and starts today the Call for Entries!

This year we set the deadline earlier than usual because we still want to hold the 21st Festival later in November: the deadline is November the 1st 2020.

We welcome all international short films from 2020 in any language (if necessary, with English subtitles), which are shorter than 25 minutes! And the sooner you submit, the smaller is the fee. All information and submission at https://filmfreeway.com/cellulartjena. See you in Jena - latest in 2021!

Short Films @JenaTV

The 21st cellu l’art Short Film Festival should have started on the 21th April with (open air) cinema.Unfortunately, this is now impossible. We are doing our best to be able to offer you a somewhat smaller short film festival later this year.

But we won’t leave Jena without short films this Spring! Cellu l’art goes on the air during the original festival week! With the local broadcaster JenaTV and our beloved sponsors and donors, we have found a way to deliver some of the programs to your home!

On the 21st of April, at the scheduled start of the "Offline" festival, JenaTV will broadcast our special programme "Nature Sapiens" starting from 9pm. Six short films will show how complicated and different the interaction between mankind and nature can be. Most of the films are without dialogues, the rest will be shown in original language with English subtitles.

The second screening will happen on the 24th of April, starting also at 9 pm. Together with KinoDynamique Jena and FilmThuer we have collected six short films by filmmakers from Jena. They make the special programme "Ohne Mauern" ("Without Walls") and show how the walls in our heads separating the society can be demolished. They ponder upon inclusion, self-finding and civic engagement in a modern city. All films are in German.

We would like to thank our sponsors, donors and JenaTV for this opportunity.

Have a short look! Also on TV!

Festival indefinitely postponed

cellu l’art Short Film Festival 2020 indefinitely postponed The current COVID-19 pandemic is giving us no further option than cancelling the cellu l’art Short Film Festival 2020 for the planned date at the end of April. We’d like to thank everyone who worked hard with us during the last months to organise a great cellu l’art Festival 2020 with a fabulous programme - not least our sponsors, filmmakers and audience! Now we need to consolidate within the organising team, want to clarify consequences affecting finances, staff and content. Time will show how we can manage and if we will be able to host the festival 2020 in one or another way. Of course we will keep you up to date about a possible new date or an alternative form of holding the festival and hope that you will keep in touch with us. Also in these exceptional times we will dedicate ourselves to our favorite art form. In the next weeks, we are going to share some wonderful short films on facebook and on our website. Stay curious! Keep watching and stay healthy!